Making Miniatures
Nestled in a series of colorful rooms at the very top of the museum, children discover a fascinating collection of dollhouses, including a replica of CMC’s home – the historic Stager Beckwith mansion. As they explore this exhibit, children can search for a hidden logo, and, through hands-on play, create their very own miniature world.
What Kids Play
- Discover four galleries of unique handmade dollhouse displays, each with different styles and themes to explore. Children can use flashlights to hunt for different items in each home and find the hidden CMC logo in each display!
- Our interactive dollhouse space includes a colorful play structure that kids can imagine to be any type of space they can think of. Children can dream up their own stories and settings using different characters and pieces.
- Making Miniatures is also home to BrickWorks and BrickWorks Jr.! Children can use building blocks and pieces to design their own structures.
What Kids Learn
Dollhouses are a great platform to engage young children in conversation to promote the development of verbal skills. Houses are a recognizable space for children, and caregivers can point to different objects within the familiar setting to host a conversation with their child.
The collection includes homes and dolls from different time periods and cultures. These are a great way to give children exposure to different traditions and cultures.
Our BrickWorks & BrickWorks Jr. exhibits promote the development of spatial skills through building play. This development is the foundation of design, architecture, and engineering!
Exhibit Support
Thank you to the Emma & Cathy Lincoln family for your generous support of our Making Miniatures exhibit!